Thursday, 14 November 2013

I did another one!
Yesterday morning, I got a big telling off from Tom when he discovered that I'd helped myself to the new pot of butter.  It had just a scraping or two removed so it was almost like a new page, and very, very tempting.
I was put out in the garden, where I found more norties to do, and then I spent much of the rest of the day licking my buttery whiskers.  YUM!  

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Today when My Mum went down the garden to put the hens away, I pretended to be sound asleep.  When she came back I was busy.  I'd managed to get the cake tin out of the sink and I was licking it clean.  It's a new recipe, but I can safely say that Mary Berry's spicy orange sponge is YUM!